Conservation Committee

                                               Karen Noland                                                

The Conservation committee organizes volunteers from the club and their families for Highway Cleanup twice a year.  The AWC takes responsibility for cleanup on Deep Lake Road from Grass Lake Road to Rte 132.

Our  committee chair also spearheads our recycling efforts; we collect wine corks for; pop can tabs for Ronald McDonald House in Milwaukee; old clothing, shoes and material not good enough to donate; used ink and toner cartridges; and #6 Styrofoam such as egg cartons, #6 Styrofoam (meat trays and takeout containers), and CFL bulbs.

Thanks, Ladies, for all your recycling efforts!

Please keep up your good recycling habits.

We can each make a difference in our environment.

Recycling Resources

Local representative, Linda Pedersen, has a very informative monthly newsletter with links to Antioch Township, Village, Lake County Forest Preserve, SWALCO and others —

Another great resource is SWALCO –847-336-9340 or for information on disposing of electronics, shoes, textiles, drugs, chemicals, and hazardous materials.

GFWC Conservation Programs